Prices list

Any of the packages can be extended by adding additional time or requests. Each order is discussed individually with the client. Advice on choosing clothes. Recommendation for location a photo session can be provided on order.


  • 2 Adults +1 child (1 hour) 10 images £150
  • 2 Adults +2 children 10 images £180
  • 2 Adults +1 child (2 hours) 20 images £200
  • 2 Adults +2 children (2 hours) 20 images £250
  • 1 Adult (1 hour) 10 images £80     

Price. Family and children photographer from Manchester, country England

Child and Children

  • Child (30 min) 5 image £80
  • Children (30min) 5 image £100

  • Child (1 hour) 10 image £130
  • Children (1 hour) 10 image £170


  • 1 hour — 2  hours £150
  • 3 hours with bath £200
Price. Family and children photographer from Manchester, country England


  • SOON

Price. Family and children photographer from Manchester, country England